Category: How-to

calendar icon28 July, 2021 user iconBlake Shaw folder icon How-to

How to Deal With Culture Shock After Moving Abroad

No man is an island entire of itself and even if you’re as cool as Ibiza, you share some of the values or habits with people in your community, which give you a sense of the familiar. But, during your adventure abroad, that’s gone in a puff, and culture shock sets in as you lose that secure home feeling. So, what do you do? Run, or freak out? Goodness no, you read on and soak in our wisdom.

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calendar icon3 June, 2021 user iconBlake Shaw folder icon How-to

Tips and Tricks on How to Pack Fragile Items Too Valuable to Leave Behind

Learning how to pack fragile items is one of the crucial things you should do before you gather your possessions and move overseas. Without a proper method, you risk breaking or chipping your glassware, plates, cups, and other similar dishes. If you don’t want to lose any of your delicate belongings just because you’re relocating, read the tips and tricks from professionals, and learn how to pack fragile items for moving the right way.

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calendar icon20 March, 2021 user iconMichael Vaughan folder icon How-to

Tips for Managing Moving Stress

How stressful is it to move? Well, it depends on the person and type of move, but moving stress is no joke, especially if you are moving internationally. There’s just so much to be done, and it comes with a cost, which is in itself, a stressor. If you are about to embark on this endeavor – worry not, as there are ways to at least lessen the stress. And we share them all in this article. So, get comfy on that chair, and get ready to scroll down and soak up the knowledge it took us years of experience to gather.

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calendar icon19 March, 2021 user iconJulie Grace folder icon How-to

How to Move Efficiently and Less Stressful? Here Are the Best Pro Tips

On this day, around 10 million American citizens are living outside of the US. If you plan on following the footsteps of those expats and join their community in a chosen foreign destination, you need to know how to move efficiently. Even though this process might look straightforward, it’s just at first glance. There are plenty of steps that should be performed in order to hone in a smooth relocation. But, don’t worry – it’s feasible.

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calendar icon3 December, 2019 user iconBlake Shaw folder icon How-to

How to Move Abroad – Everything You Need to Know

Living as a foreigner in a community where everything seems odd or new can be quite overwhelming. The list of things you should know before relocating includes how to move abroad, what to expect, and how to organize everything accurately, but also how to adjust to the new surroundings. With enough time and patience, learning all this is entirely possible.

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calendar icon25 November, 2019 user iconMichael Vaughan folder icon How-to

How to Move Overseas The Best Way

It is easier to move abroad these days than at any time before, with all the information and resources we have. Whatever the reason for this move is, you have to know what you need to prepare, how to be ready for anything that may happen, and how to move overseas in general. First off, this is not a rash decision. Think carefully and thoroughly about moving across the world to some exotic and faraway lands. This decision is in no way finite, but you should try to avoid all the problems that may arise.

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calendar icon9 November, 2019 user iconEva Johnson folder icon How-to

How to Live Abroad – Things to Know Before Moving

If you decide to be one of nearly 9 million Americans living overseas, don’t let anything intimidate you. Consider all benefits and drawbacks and learn how to live abroad so that your decision changes your life only for the better. Follow our guide and carefully organize a move that will soon become the most amazing experience you’ll ever have.

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calendar icon28 October, 2019 user iconHannah Michaelson folder icon How-to

Moving House Plants Long Distance

House plants are living organisms that will need special care and preparation when you want to move them to your new home. If you are moving to a different location within the same city, there is much less liability. The problem is figuring out how to move house plants long-distance without damaging them.

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calendar icon18 September, 2019 user iconBlake Shaw folder icon How-to

How to Live in Another Country

Have you been thinking about moving abroad? Then it’s important that you do your research on how to live in another country. The mere act of relocating overseas is only one of the many hurdles you’ll have to face if you opt for living in a completely different setting. There are many other things you’ll need to take care of before, during, and after the relocation. That’s why we’ve prepared some useful tips.

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calendar icon16 September, 2019 user iconBlake Shaw folder icon How-to

How to Pack Shoes for Moving

If you’re in the process of relocating to a new home and have decided to tackle the packing on your own, you should make sure you know how to pack shoes for moving properly. Footwear seems to be one of those things that we tend to disregard when the time comes to pack. By doing so, people often end up with a pile of damaged pairs of shoes. To avoid that, you should make sure you know how to do it properly.

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