Relocating is one of the most stressful events you can have in your life – it can make you borderline crazy. However, there are ingenious moving hacks so everything goes much easier for you. Having all your belongings packed and sent away to a different country can feel pretty distressing, and it’s always great to keep in mind a few tips and tricks that could help with the whole journey.

So if you’re planning an international relocation soon, pay attention, because, in this article, we are sharing with you an ingenious step-by-step plan and packing tips to have in mind next time you’re relocating abroad.
Prepare Yourself a Moving Checklist
If you are planning on living abroad and are already getting ready for relocation, you probably might be wondering ”How do I make a painless moving?”. Preparing ahead and planning out your whole relocating process will provide that everything goes smoother and simpler. You should spend days on your relocating preparation as it is crucial for you to stay organized. If you want to avoid relocation stress, be sure to prepare and plan so you can start your relocation process on the right foot.
Whether this is your first or 10th time preparing for a move, you always need a good relocation checklist so everything goes easy. In your checklist, you can write down all the things you need to pack and prepare so you don’t miss out on anything important.
Create a Moving Schedule
You can create your relocating abroad checklist to build a timeline of the whole relocating process. It’s very helpful to plan your move in smaller weekly or daily tasks. It’s one of the best hacks to make moving easier. Once you separate this huge new job into smaller projects, it’s going to be much less challenging to tackle all of the work.

Best Hacks for Packing Boxes
When you’re wondering ”How can I make moving easier?” your biggest problem is probably packing for the move and putting all your belongings into packages. It’s crucial to do this job thoroughly, so nothing gets broken or lost. Below are some packing hacks for moving that might be very useful to you.
Separate Your Essential Items
When placing all of your stuff into packages, be sure to separate the most important things from the rest of your belongings. For example, your documents needed to travel should never be in packages but rather in some carry-on bag or a smaller suitcase you can keep by your side.
Pack Boxes Room by Room
Since it’s much simpler to organize your relocation one step at a time, this method is great for thoroughly packing every corner of your home. You can also label the tops and sides of the new packages, so it’s simpler to identify them.
Saving Space While Packing
When you are filling packages with your belongings for international relocation, box space is precious, and you want to use that storage in the smartest way possible. Shrink-wrapping lightweight objects with vacuum or sealable bags is great for preparing bulky objects such as pillows or blankets for shipping overseas. That way, you can turn them into more manageable bundles easy to carry when relocating abroad.
You can also apply tricks with towels or toilet paper in boxes packed with fragile items such as dishes and stuff made out of glass. That way, you’re protecting fragile stuff while also saving up space.
Don’t Empty Your Dresser Drawers
If you want to save hours while preparing stuff for transport while also saving packing material, try taking the drawers out of the dresser without emptying them. To secure them, put some plastic wrap around them. If the dresser is smaller and not too heavy, you can wrap it up completely with all of its stuff still inside.
Photograph Everything
If you don’t feel like writing down everything, you can always use the benefits of new technology to remember what goes into every box. You might want to take a picture of the packages you prepare as it can help you with visually memorizing things. You should also take pictures of cables on TV or computers, so you don’t forget what goes where and in which order.
Use Color-Coding to Help You With Unboxing
This might not be the most groundbreaking new hack, but it sure does help a lot. You can apply it however you want to help you with unboxing all your things later. You can give each room a designated color, or you can color code by the importance of things in the box, so you know what to unpack first.
Moving Hacks for Saving Money
In addition to being so much work, moves can also cost you a lot of money, especially if you are relocating internationally and you’re planning overseas shipping for your belongings. There are certain tips to apply when relocating on a budget to keep your costs down. If you’re worried about balancing finances abroad or wondering ”How can I move cheaply,” here are some relocation tips and hacks for saving money.
Find Free Packing Supplies to Use
There are various ways to score free supplies and save up some money. For example, you can call up local retailers or just ask your friends and family if they have some free material to spare.
If you don’t feel like spending that much effort and finding material, you can always hire company for international moving for packing services as they can provide you with packing supplies and move supplies for an included service price. If you want to hear more about how to improve your budgeting skills check the video below.
Know Your Options Well
When hiring a overseas moving company, be sure to study all your options well. Find different movers and inform yourself of their services to ensure you get the best price when moving internationally. Review prices of different options that overseas shipping company offers, such as relocation by sea and air, to see what fits your budget best. Also, avoid relocating during holidays as you can save money by opting for a move on a different date. There are plenty of options when it comes to relocating so it’s optimal to go through as much as you can and inform yourself on all of them.
Declutter Your House Before Packing
Getting rid of all the unnecessary items from your apartment or house first is going to spare you a lot of work with preparing your belongings afterwards and make your relocation more efficient. Toss, recycle or donate all of the stuff from the old home that you don’t use anymore. Think about the price of certain items and how easy they are to replace to help you with picking what to throw out and what to keep.

Word of Advice for the Relocation Day
No matter how prepared you are and how organized you are for moving abroad you always need a checklist because relocation day is always super hectic. However, there are certain tricks to help you through that stressful day so it is painless for you to organize.
Organize a Plan for Little Kids and Pets
In case you have kids at home and they are too young to help out, it might be best for them to hang out with your family or friends so you can be free to focus on the move. It can really reduce your stress when it’s time to pack. The same goes out for relocating with pets. Arrange some plans for your furry friends, groomer or daycare, to get them out of the way since it’s better like that for both of you.
Be Packed up at Least a Day Before
Last-minute packing is the worst thing you can do on your relocating day. You want everything to be ready before the movers arrive at your home to pick up stuff for transport. Do so, and you don’t have to worry about forgetting something or mixing up packages.
How Do You Pack to Move In a Hurry?
Having days to plan and prepare your relocation in advance is great and helps it be less stressful. However, it doesn’t always work out like that. If you are short on time, you might want your packing to move to go as fast as it possibly can.
Try skipping the labeling part. If you are in a hurry, your focus should be on boxing stuff to keep them safe. If you’re hiring a company to move, you can offload tasks like wrapping the furniture and the bigger items.
If you need your belongings moved as fast as possible, it’s best to choose hiring a company that can provide you international moving by air, which is more expensive but quick and convenient.

Make Unpacking Easier
You might think that all the work is done once you finish filling your last box for transportation, but it’s not quite like that. Sooner or later, you have to unpack all of it. With relocating to another country and relocating overseas, getting back your packages might take long enough for you to forget what you’ve placed in each box. However, there are still some tips you can apply so unboxing is less tiring. Let’s see how you go through unpacking easy step by step:
- Start from the kitchen. Usually, in the kitchen, you have tons of small objects to unpack and organize, and it can be quite time-consuming. That is why it might be smarter to get it done at the very beginning.
- Open boxes one by one. Never open everything at once as it can be too overwhelming and is one of the most common relocating mistakes. Once you’re done with one box, put it in storage or throw it out, so you don’t have supplies piling around you and creating a mess.
- Set a deadline for yourself. Give yourself a certain amount of days to get everything done and try not to leave any packages behind.

Remember to Inform Yourself Well
When relocating across the world, it’s important to inform yourself of all the possible questions and problems that could come up when moving internationally. Be sure you know everything about shipping companies and common relocating issues, finding storage services, as well as what documents relocation requires or what insurances you should have. Reading about these topics and going through some articles about these topics is going to help you a lot with your relocation. Also, be sure to give yourself some weeks to figure out how to organize the whole process since you’re going to be sounder knowing you’re well prepared for all the possible issues that could come up.