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calendar icon25 August, 2021 user iconEva Johnson folder icon Country Guides

3 Best Countries for Americans to Move To

According to the latest reports, the number of U.S. citizens moving abroad has significantly increased. Americans are fleeing from the US in search of a perfect home and lifestyle. If you plan on moving internationally, here is the ultimate guide on the best countries for Americans to move to based on a number of criteria important when immigrating overseas.

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calendar icon29 July, 2021 user iconMilly Andrews folder icon Moving Fundamentals

Everything You’ll Need for the Moving Checklist

Is there a checklist for moving? Everyone knows that good organization of your relocation leads to success, but very few realize that a great moving checklist is a crown of good organization – and we decided to make the only one you will ever need. Be sure to print it or write it down and learn everything you need to do so that your relocation overseas ends in tears of joy.

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calendar icon28 July, 2021 user iconBlake Shaw folder icon How-to

How to Deal With Culture Shock After Moving Abroad

No man is an island entire of itself and even if you’re as cool as Ibiza, you share some of the values or habits with people in your community, which give you a sense of the familiar. But, during your adventure abroad, that’s gone in a puff, and culture shock sets in as you lose that secure home feeling. So, what do you do? Run, or freak out? Goodness no, you read on and soak in our wisdom.

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calendar icon26 July, 2021 user iconMilly Andrews folder icon Moving Preparation

Moving Day Preparation Checklist – What to Do Before the Move

When organizing a relocation, especially an international one, a moving day preparation could be your guiding star or the source of all destruction. Yes, we realize it sounds a bit melodramatic, but it is essential to get your attention to how important organization is. In order to help you, we decided to create an ultimate checklist for things you need to do when the relocation date comes.

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calendar icon23 July, 2021 user iconBlake Shaw folder icon Country Guides

A Comprehensive Guide to Moving to South Korea

There are more than 9 million Americans living abroad. The US diaspora spreads to more than 160 countries worldwide. Many choose to relocate to Europe or South America, but there’s also a substantial portion infatuated with Asian nations. If you’re keen on exploring life in this corner of the world, moving to South Korea is likely the best choice.

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calendar icon22 July, 2021 user iconMichael Vaughan folder icon Country Guides

Things to Know About Living in Hawaii Before Moving There

If there’s a place most similar to paradise, it has to be the Aloha State. Living in Hawaii is a lifelong dream of many people all around the world. It’s really no wonder why this tropical island has become a long-desired destination considering all its splendor, but being its resident is somewhat different than simply visiting as a tourist.

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calendar icon3 June, 2021 user iconBlake Shaw folder icon How-to

Tips and Tricks on How to Pack Fragile Items Too Valuable to Leave Behind

Learning how to pack fragile items is one of the crucial things you should do before you gather your possessions and move overseas. Without a proper method, you risk breaking or chipping your glassware, plates, cups, and other similar dishes. If you don’t want to lose any of your delicate belongings just because you’re relocating, read the tips and tricks from professionals, and learn how to pack fragile items for moving the right way.

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calendar icon30 April, 2021 user iconSteven Rogers folder icon Country Guides

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Ottawa Neighborhoods for US Expats

If you wish to become one of more than 130 thousand immigrants living in the Canadian capital city, you’ll have to find a place in one of the many great Ottawa neighborhoods. O-Town is the second largest in the province of Ontario, after Toronto. Ontario is known for the sunniest cities in the country. Also, the country’s capital, based in the eastern part of the province, is a multicultural center with a diverse population, so you won’t feel like...
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calendar icon20 March, 2021 user iconMichael Vaughan folder icon How-to

Tips for Managing Moving Stress

How stressful is it to move? Well, it depends on the person and type of move, but moving stress is no joke, especially if you are moving internationally. There’s just so much to be done, and it comes with a cost, which is in itself, a stressor. If you are about to embark on this endeavor – worry not, as there are ways to at least lessen the stress. And we share them all in this article. So, get...
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calendar icon19 March, 2021 user iconJulie Grace folder icon How-to

How to Move Efficiently and Less Stressful? Here Are the Best Pro Tips

On this day, around 10 million American citizens are living outside of the US. If you plan on following the footsteps of those expats and join their community in a chosen foreign destination, you need to know how to move efficiently. Even though this process might look straightforward, it’s just at first glance. There are plenty of steps that should be performed in order to hone in a smooth relocation. But, don’t worry – it’s feasible.

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