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How to Find the Best Place to Live When Relocating Across the World

Posted How-to / October 16, 2024

Finding your dream home across the world is a bit like choosing the ice cream flavor – there are so many options, and each one comes with its own unique appeal. Still, figuring out how to find the best place to live is a bit more serious than that. Whether you’re after a job, adventure, or just a change of scenery, there’s a spot out there with your name on it – you just need to uncover it. Let’s figure it out.

So, how to find a place to live when moving internationally? Well, there’s a lot to consider, from choosing between city life or quiet retreats to balancing your budget with the new life abroad. Don’t forget about things like cultural fit, weather, and even job opportunities before taking this big leap.

The World Is Your Oyster, but Where’s the Pearl?

Most Americans don’t venture too far when it comes to switching homes – they usually stick within the US. In fact, only 4% of all moves are international. But here’s the twist – over three times as many Americans dream of living in another country now compared to 50 years ago.

The desire to pack up and see the world is definitely there – it’s just a matter of taking that giant leap off the couch and into the unknown. Sure, it’s a bit terrifying, but it’s also wildly exciting. After all, adventure doesn’t come from staying in your comfort zone!

More than half of Americans who wish to live abroad are under the age of 35

It’s a Wonderful Opportunity for a Fresh Start

Relocating across the world can feel like juggling flaming swords – there’s a lot of chaos, and you might just drop one or two things along the way. Planning the move itself? Stressful. The emotions? All over the place. But here’s the good part – a whole new life awaits on the other side of the world!

It’s a chance to reinvent yourself, discover new cultures, and embrace the unknown. Yes, it’s hard at times, but the fresh start you get is worth every sleepless night and packed box. Just think of it as the world’s most rewarding reset button!

Where Should I Live? Well, What Are You Looking For?

Before you start to pack and book that one-way flight, take a moment. Grab a cup of tea (or something stronger if you’re feeling extra adventurous) and really think about what you want from this new chapter.

Is this your chance to dive headfirst into big city life, where there’s always a café open at 3 AM? Or are you dreaming of a peaceful countryside retreat where the only rush hour involves sheep crossing the road? Think about the lifestyle you want – access to good jobs, a lively social scene, or maybe just a really nice beach to stare at. It’s all about finding that perfect fit!

City Vibes vs. Quiet Corners – Picking the Right Scene

Big cities come with excitement, convenience, and the undeniable thrill of ordering takeout at any hour of the day. But there’s also the never-ending honking and the fact that your neighbor’s cooking smells will become the roommate you never asked for.

On the flip side, relocating to a quiet corner of the world means peace, nature, and maybe even a cute farmer’s market on weekends. The downside? You might have to drive an hour just to find a decent latte. But even that has a solution – vehicle shipping overseas. No matter where exactly you end up, having your prized ride with you will help you take advantage of all the perks and work against any downsides.

Cultural Fit – Blending in or Standing Out?

Adjusting to a new country is not exactly a walk in the park. Suddenly, everything feels unfamiliar – from how people greet each other to whether or not tipping is a thing. Dealing with culture shock is a bit of a wild ride, but embracing this new culture is also part of the adventure! Before you take the plunge, here are a few things to think about:

  • Are you ready to learn a new language?
  • Will you be able to adjust to new and unfamiliar social norms?
  • Can you see yourself loving the local cuisine?
  • Will you be able to adapt to the new pace of life?
  • Are you excited about celebrating completely new holidays?
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No Matter How Different It Is, Can You Really Imagine Yourself There?

No matter how amazing a place might seem on paper (or in travel blogs), the big question is – can you picture yourself living there, day in and day out? Can you see yourself thriving, even if it means adopting a few quirky customs? If you’re up for the challenge and can imagine calling it home, then you’re halfway to settling in. After all, even the strangest new routine can start to feel like second nature before you know it!

It’s All About Balancing the Dream Location With Your Wallet

So, you’ve found the dream location – maybe it’s a chic apartment in Paris or a beachside bungalow in Bali. But before you get swept away in a fantasy of sipping wine or coconuts, let’s talk about the housing budget.

Nailing down how much you can actually afford for rent or a mortgage is crucial. You don’t want to blow all your cash on a place with a rooftop view only to discover you can’t afford furniture to sit on while you enjoy it. Do some solid research, compare prices, and remember – there are also sneaky extras like utilities, deposits, and fees that love to pop up.

Now, don’t forget the cost of actually getting there. Relocating abroad doesn’t come cheap, and the costs associated with international moving can quickly add up. However, with the right overseas shipping company, it will all be worth it, packing services and all. Moreover, reputable professionals such as I Love International Moving will give you a transparent quote – so you’ll know exactly where you’re at!

Cost of Living – Don’t Forget the Grocery Bills!

You might think that once you’ve got the housing sorted, you’re in the clear. But hold up – what about the cost of living? Sure, the new city may look perfect, but if the grocery store charges more for a carton of eggs than your current rent, it’s time to rethink things. So, make sure to check out everyday expenses like groceries and transportation in advance. Websites such as Numbeo are a great resource when it comes to things like this.

Why Weather Matters More Than You Think – Sun, Snow, or Something in Between?

Weather isn’t just small talk – it’s a big deal when choosing where to live. It impacts everything – from how often you’ll leave the house to how long it takes to dry the laundry. Knowing the climate of your new home can make or break the experience. After all, you don’t want to spend half the year cursing the sky.

Relocating to a warmer climate has its perks – endless beach days, outdoor barbecues, and never needing to shovel snow. But the downside? Sweating like you’ve run a marathon just by stepping outside.

On the flip side, relocating to a colder climate means cozy fires, winter sports, and rocking fashionable coats. The cons? Endless layers, frozen fingers, and scraping ice off your car at 6 AM. It’s all about what you can handle – both the joys and the small, daily inconveniences.

Think About the Outdoor Activities You’ll Get To Enjoy There

Those hunting down endless summers will picture themselves surfing, hiking, or just casually lounging in a hammock like there’s no tomorrow. Cold weather fans? You’ve got skiing, snowball fights, and the all-important art of building the perfect snowman. Just think – wherever you go, your future self could be out there mastering the great outdoors – or at least trying not to slip on the ice!

Practicality Meets Dreaming – Work, School, and Everything in Between

Sure, stumbling upon a dream location with perfect weather and a scenic view is amazing, but let’s not forget about the practical stuff – finding a job or school. If you’re relocating for a job, it’s crucial to consider the market in the new destination. Will there be opportunities in your field, or are you looking at a serious career change?

As for college students, picking a place with a good university or proximity to other top educational institutions is key. You don’t want to be stuck commuting for hours just to get to class or work. So, while dreaming big is great, practicality should sneak in there somewhere, too.

If You’re Moving Abroad With Kids, Think About the Opportunities They’ll Have

If you’re moving overseas with the little ones, you’re not just thinking about yourself – you’ve got to plan for their future, too. Education is a biggie, so researching schools should be high on the priority list. Are there good schools nearby, and do they align with the kind of education you want for your kids? And let’s not forget about extracurriculars – whether it’s sports, music, or even quirky activities like fencing or pottery.

The Neighborhood Checklist – What to Scope Out Before Signing Anything

You can have the fanciest apartment or house, but if your neighborhood doesn’t vibe with you, it’s going to feel like a bad choice. After all, nobody wants to end up in a beautiful place that happens to be 40 miles from the nearest grocery store or coffee shop. Here’s what to look into:

  • Public transportation – even with your international moving company handling your car, it’s always good to have a solid public transit system at your fingertips,
  • Local amenities – check if there are grocery stores, gyms, and coffee shops nearby because no one wants to drive 30 minutes just to get that morning fix,
  • Noise levels – some neighborhoods buzz with excitement (or constant sirens), while others are peaceful enough to hear the crickets,
  • Community vibe – you also need to think about how friendly the community is, unless you want to be that mysterious stranger everyone avoids.

Is It Safe? (And Not Just From Bad Wi-Fi)

Let’s be honest – safety is a biggie. Living abroad should be exciting, not nerve-wracking. Make sure your future neighborhood is safe, both in terms of crime rates and general livability. No one wants to feel on edge when they’re walking home at night. Feeling safe gives you peace of mind, so check out the local crime stats, chat with the neighbors if possible, and ensure the new home will feel like, well, home!

Now That You Know How to Find the Best Place to Live – Let Us Get You There

We know what you’re thinking – there’s no way figuring out how to find my perfect place to live is that easy! But it really is! Sure, there are a lot of things to consider, but when it comes down to it, trusting your gut will be the best way to go. Now, all that’s left is to pack up and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!

Ready to make this dream a reality? Whether you need help packing, shipping your belongings, or even getting the car across the borders, I Love International Moving has got you covered. Contact us today – with our overseas moving company, you’ll be turning that dream destination into your new home sweet home in no time!

Maya Brown

Born in Atlanta, Maya has called many places home in her lifetime. She's a content writer and moving expert who loves to help people relocate smoothly.

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