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Moving to a Warmer Climate – How to Prepare for Relocation

Posted Moving Fundamentals / September 4, 2024

Many people dream of moving to a warmer climate, and while this idea may sound appealing, it is not all sunshine and roses, especially if you are moving overseas. Such a move requires careful planning and preparation, regardless of the destination. Here is a guide on how to prepare for international moving with a focus on warmer climates.

To move to a warmer climate, you need to research and choose the destination carefully and find a reliable international moving company to help you navigate the process. Find out all about the weather conditions so you can prepare for acclimatization on time. Research the cost of living and prepare the budget accordingly. Also, you need to know what documents you need to accrue and ensure you have health insurance that covers tropical illnesses.

All the Preparations You Need to Make When Moving Internationally

Congrats – you have decided to move abroad, and now you wonder how you are going to manage this whole process. You are right to be worried since relocating across the world is not an easy task, and there will be a lot of planning and organization. Also, you will need the help of professional movers if you plan to relocate all or most of belongings. But let’s start by explaining what other preparations you will have to do before you hire an overseas shipping company.

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Research the Best Warm Climate Places to Live and Make a Choice

Once you know you want to move to a warm climate, you have narrowed down the choice to 40% of the planet’s surface. There are many great warm-weather states and countries you can relocate to, but the big question is what are you looking for?

Are you looking for a small town with beaches or a big city with a lot of job opportunities with the proximity to some beaches?  Also, it is not the same if you decide to relocate to Europe or Asia.

The cultural and economic factors can play a significant role in shaping the whole experience.

The cost of living, including rent, in Bangkok is 30.2% lower than in Tokyo

For instance, you decided to move to a warm European country such as Spain, Italy, Greece, or Malta, all countries with great cultural heritage. There, you will be in a place with good infrastructure, a good healthcare system, and high living standards, but the cost of living can be significantly higher than in some Asian countries.

The overall living standards are different in different Asian countries and cities as well, so moving to Bangkok will not be the same as moving to Tokyo, for instance. You can go on the Numbeo website and research almost any city on the planet to find out all about its cost of living.

Find Out What Documents You Need to Live There

As you can figure, moving internationally will demand paperwork from your side. And for some countries, paperwork will not be the same if you plan a visit or stay there to live. Go on US Department of State – Travel, find the country of choice and see what requirements for relocation there are. Keep in mind that, for some countries, you will need to have a working visa.

If you are relocating for the job, make sure you ask the employer whether they provide employee relocation packages or if they cover some costs. If they don’t, ask them to help you with the paperwork, at least.

Hire an Overseas Moving Company

With all said and done, shipping overseas is something you need to do with the help of professionals who offer comprehensive services. A moving company that provides a full package, including international moving by sea or air, packing, overseas shipping of cars, and even storage solutions, is often more advantageous than hiring a company that only focuses on shipping items. International movers, like I Love International Moving, will manage all aspects of relocation and tailor their services to specific needs.

When choosing the type of services, you need to think about what kind of items you plan to bring. For instance, if you plan to relocate furniture, you will need to ship it by sea. On the other hand, if you’re bringing a small amount of belongings, then moving by air may be a viable option.

Plan Packing According to the Destination

Once you have decided what kind of service you want, you can start packing for the move. Think about the weather where you are going and pack accordingly. So leave the winter clothing aside to sell or donate – but not all of it. Maybe you will come to visit friends and family or decide to go on a mountain trip. Also, not all states and countries are Hawaii to have nice weather year-round. Many tropical and subtropical countries have cold and rainy seasons, so think about that when packing.

If you decide to move kitchen items or other electric devices like TVs, make sure you also buy adapters for that specific region. Also, don’t forget to pack sunscreen protection, a hat, and sunglasses. You can also buy a neck-cooling fan.

Things to Think About When Moving to a Warmer Climate

When relocating to a warmer climate the most important thing to think about is hydration and protection from the sun. Going on vacation is one thing, but living in tropical climates means you’ll be exposed to heat and sun all year round, so be well prepared to safeguard health. Also, you will have to adjust the daily routine and home to manage the heat appropriately.

What Type of Climate Is There?

Naturally, going to Greece will have a different effect on your body than moving to Taiwan. Both climates are warm but still very different. Greece has a Mediterranean climate with hot summers, mild winters, and low humidity. On the other hand, Taiwan has a hot summer, with a lot of rainfall and high humidity of over 80%, but unlike Greece, where the winters are cold around 50F, Taiwan will have winters averaging around 60-70°F.

You May Pay More for Electricity and Water

Even though you might have lower utility bills during the winter months, you’ll likely face significantly higher electrical costs during the peak of summer. The increased use of A/C during the hot summer months will cause a surge in the electricity bill. In short, living in a warm region means that the AC will be on 99%of the time.

Still, there are some tricks to decrease the bill and to become overall more energy efficient. Here’s what you could do:

  • Invest in modern AC – Modern ACs are usually more eco-friendly and they consume less energy. So think about this when you do house hunting.
  • Do good thermal isolation – You probably think that thermal isolation is important only in cold climates. But this couldn’t be further from true. Good isolation will keep the hot air outside and cool air inside.
  • Buy sun protection foil for windows – To provide extra shade and protection from the heat, you can buy sun protection foil for windows.

Invest in Different Kind of Cooling Options

Aside from AC or shades for windows, you should invest in other cooling options like fans or patio umbrellas so you can spend time in the yard. You can also get portable swimming pools that you can easily install in the backyard. And if you want to go extra wild, you can buy fans that produce mists – a great way to stay cool on hot days.

Tropical Destinations Come With Different Illnesses

From malaria to yellow fever, there are many illnesses that you can get in warmer climates. Of course, depending on the destination. Check the government website for any warnings regarding the illnesses you should be aware of and vaccinations you may be obligated to have. Also, search online and see what other precautions you should take regarding health, like whether water is safe to drink so you don’t get diarrhea or you can prepare probiotics for this occasion.

Last but not least, you will probably be tempted to eat a lot of different foods, which is fine. Trying new things and cuisine is a big part of what this experience is all about. But be mindful of all kinds of diseases and poisons you can intake, so make sure you know where you are eating and what. Also, when preparing food yourself, wash it well and be extra careful with seafood products and meat. Make sure that the place where you buy groceries is checked.

Wildlife Will Be Different

From mosquitoes to other insects and bugs, you should know that a warmer climate is full of all kinds of different wildlife – some annoying while others may be dangerous. For example, if you plan to relocate to Sydney or any other part of Australia, you should know that much of wildlife is there to come and get you. Check shoes regularly for poisonous spiders and scorpions, and use mosquito repellent to protect yourself from bites since some parts of Australia have malaria.

Some countries have unique wildlife you can see on the street, like monkeys in Thailand or coconut crabs you can encounter in the Batanes province of the Philipines. Coconut crabs are the largest terrestrial arthropods in the world, and they got their name because they mostly eat crabs by crashing them with their claws. Also, they are known as “robber crabs” since they have been spotted stealing people’s boots and bottles from tents. So, you’ll see a lot of amazing wildlife, just be careful not to touch anything if you are not sure whether it’s dangerous.

Know What Kind of Extreme Weather Is Awaiting You

From hurricanes and tornados to typhoons and monsoon floods, your destination country can have extreme weather. And, depending on where you are heading, this extreme weather can be more or less dangerous. For example, in Italy, you may experience heat waves and wildfires.

Also, find out whether this area is famous for earthquakes so you can prepare for that situation as well. For example in Thailand, Japan, or any other Asian country that often has earthquakes, the skyscrapers will sway back and forth when earthquakes hit. This flexibility of the building will prevent it from falling down, but, boy, this experience will be terrifying.

Book International Movers and Start the Journey Today

This all may seem like a lot to take and deal with. But fear not, with the right help you will be ready to embark on this journey in no time. All you have to do is leave all the logistics regarding relocation to the professionals so you can do good research about the destination you are heading to. Contact us at I Love International Moving today to get a moving quote so you can start with all the preparations as soon as possible.

Daisy Wilson

Daisy was born in Salt Lake City and in her free time, she writes about moving and watches Charmed.

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