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Navigating Relocation After Divorce – International Moving Tips

Posted Moving Preparation / June 18, 2024

Splitting up isn’t easy, but guess what? You’ve got a one-way ticket to a new life! Relocation after divorce can feel like the ultimate plot twist in your life story, especially when you’re moving abroad. Who said this can’t be an adventure? Let’s dive into the exciting and sometimes chaotic world of going international post-divorce.

What Are the Most Common Reasons for Moving After Divorce?

Divorce has become a common chapter in many life stories, and each one is as unique as the people involved. Some couples part ways due to irreconcilable differences, while others simply grow apart.

Did you know that around 40% to 50% of first marriages end in divorce? And if you thought the second time’s the charm, think again – 60% to 67% of second marriages also call it quits. With numbers like these, it’s clear that separating isn’t just a plot twist – it’s almost a sequel.

Around 700,000 divorces take place in the US every year

After the deed is done, the reasons to move are plenty. From simply needing a fresh start to pursuing new opportunities, separation can set the stage for your most exciting chapter yet. Who would’ve thought?

Starting a New Job Can Be the Perfect Chance for a Fresh Start

Around 20% of people move for a job. If you’re still deciding where to live, trying to find a job abroad can be a great compass. It can feel like hitting the reset button on life.

It’s the perfect excuse to pack up and start anew, especially after splitting up with your partner. Not only does it bring a change of scenery, but it also introduces new routines, new people, and new adventures. Suddenly, your focus shifts from the past to the exciting prospects of the life ahead.

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Moving Internationally to Be Closer to Family Might Be All You Need During These Trying Times

Maybe you relocated abroad for love, but now love is calling you back home. Relocating abroad to be closer to family can be the ultimate comfort during this difficult time. Being surrounded by familiar faces and places can provide the emotional support you need. Plus, who doesn’t love home-cooked meals and a warm embrace when they’re feeling down on their luck?

First Things First, Clear up the Legal Side of Things

Moving internationally is a big move, both literally and figuratively. There are several legal hoops to jump through, especially if you’re relocating with children after divorce. Nobody really likes paperwork, but ignoring the proper legal steps can lead to major headaches and plenty of stress. Let’s break down some key legal considerations:

Getting the Green Light for Custody Arrangements

With such a huge mileage between you and your ex-partner, it can be difficult for your children to see both parents regularly. That’s why the custody agreement is the first thing you need to review. You might need permission from the court or your ex-spouse to move them abroad.

Sometimes, the court will need to tweak the agreement to ensure it’s in the child’s best interest. This process can take time, so it’s essential to plan ahead and get the necessary approvals before you start packing. In this scenario, a last-minute move will just not cut it.

Complying With Court Orders

Court orders from the separation can’t be ignored simply because you’re moving overseas. You’ll need to notify both the court and your ex-spouse about your relocation plan and seek the necessary approvals. Failing to comply with court orders can lead to legal trouble and even penalties, so there’s no going around it – you need to stay on top of these requirements.

Adjusting Child Support Payments

For custodial parents on the move, modifying child support payments is a critical step. You’ll need to file a request with the court to update the payments based on the new circumstances. If you’re a non-custodial parent, your income might change, meaning you’ll need to petition the court for a modification.

Tackle the Financial Aspects Too – It’s Super Important to Navigate Relocation After Divorce

Whether we like it or not, money plays a starring role in all our lives. In fact, financial woes are a leading cause of marital splits, contributing to around 20% to 40% of all divorces. That’s right – for every ten marriages that end, up to four of them call it quits over money issues.

You might be relocating on a low budget or already stressing out about balancing finances abroad. Even if money’s not a particular issue, you should still have a well-thought-out plan. Moving abroad is expensive, and costs can quickly spiral out of control without a set budget. It’s all about avoiding unpleasant surprises while making sure your fresh start doesn’t get smothered with debt.

Here Are a Few Tips and Tricks for Budgeting Your Move the Right Way

You should start saving early and create an emergency fund so you’re not caught off guard if any unexpected expenses come up. While going through your belongings, you can always try selling some stuff you no longer need online to lighten both the load and the budget. Last but certainly not least, being smart about choosing an overseas shipping company can truly make it count.

The Right Overseas Moving Company Can Ease Down All of Your Worries

Only about 4% of all moves are across the world. However, that doesn’t mean there are no international companies – actually, there are plenty. With such a big move, it’s completely natural to get overwhelmed, so hiring movers can be like a saving grace.

Booking international moving services can be a game-changer. It’s cost-effective and reliable, allowing you to transport everything from heavy furniture to those keepsakes you can’t part with. And if you don’t want to get lost in the maze of packaging materials yourself, you can always get full packing services as well. Just imagine sipping a coffee while professionals wrap, pack, and label all your belongings – sounds like a dream, right?

Bring Your Four-Wheeler With You to Truly Make the Most Out of This Next Chapter

Whether it’s weekend getaways or daily commutes, having your prized ride in the new country allows you to explore at your own pace. There’s nothing quite like experiencing a bit of culture shock while you’re behind the wheel. Your four-wheeler will be that little piece of home that makes settling in just a bit easier and way more fun.

Thanks to overseas vehicle shipping, movers can help here too. Companies such as I Love International Moving can handle the paperwork and transport logistics that come with such a task. You can plan the next adventure on those new and exciting roads while we take care of the shipping overseas.

Dive Deep Into Research to Find the Perfect Home for Your Newfound Single Life

Moving out after divorce might be the last page of one chapter, but it’s also the beginning of another. This is the perfect chance to create a space that truly reflects you and your newfound independence. Here are some tips to help you on this journey:

  • Consider proximity to work, amenities, and social spots while searching for potential neighborhoods,
  • Use websites like Hoodmaps to figure out the vibe of the potential neighborhoods,
  • Research the cost of living in a certain area using websites like Numbeo,
  • Stay updated with new listings by setting alerts on real estate websites,
  • If you have kids, research good local schools so the little ones can have a smooth transition,
  • With or without kids, safety should come first, so check local crime rates to make sure you’re relocating to a secure environment,
  • Engage with locals on social media or community forums to gather firsthand information about the area.

When Times Get Hard, a Good Support System Is All You Need

Until now, we’ve focused on the practical side of things – legalities, finances, hiring the right international moving company, and finding the perfect new home. But let’s not forget the emotional side of this journey. This event is a major life change, and it’s just as crucial to take care of your heart and mind.

Building a strong support system can make all the difference in how you navigate this new chapter. Whether you’re close to your family or not, deepening the connections with loved ones is vital. They can offer emotional support, a listening ear, and a helping hand during tough times. Strong relationships can transform feelings of isolation into comfort and confidence, helping you thrive just like you should.

Don’t Hesitate to Join Social Clubs and Attend Local Events

It’s not just about keeping in touch – you should also make new connections. One of the best ways to do that is by joining social clubs and attending local events. Start by researching clubs and groups that align with your interests – whether it’s a book club, sports team, or cooking class. These spots are perfect for meeting like-minded people and forming new friendships organically.

Attend festivals, fairs, and neighborhood gatherings to get to know the new surroundings and the people who live there. It will help you feel more connected, all while having fun and exploring your new home. Put yourself out there – it might just surprise you what you’ll be able to find.

Pack Your Bags, Mend Your Heart – There’s So Much More to Experience and Explore

Let’s face it – you’re not just switching homes, you’re crafting a whole new chapter filled with endless possibilities. With the right planning, support, and a positive mindset, you’ll find that this journey is not just survivable but also incredibly rewarding. So, do your best to embrace the change and enjoy the process.

While you focus on what lies ahead, let I Love International Moving handle the heavy lifting. Our team of experts is dedicated to making the transition as seamless as possible, from packing to shipping it as far as the other side of the globe. Contact us today to start sketching out the next chapter. You deserve a fresh start that’s as hassle-free as it is thrilling!

Maya Brown

Born in Atlanta, Maya has called many places home in her lifetime. She's a content writer and moving expert who loves to help people relocate smoothly.

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