According to the latest reports, the number of U.S. citizens moving abroad has significantly increased. Americans are fleeing from the US in search of a perfect home and lifestyle. If you plan on moving internationally, here is the ultimate guide on the best countries for Americans to move to based on a number of criteria important when immigrating overseas

When planning to move to another country, there are numerous things to consider before making a final decision. The documents needed to travel abroad, permanent visa, quality of life, business climate, jobs prospects, culture shock, which city to choose, what is the cheapest and safest country to live in, which international moving company to hire to assist you in moving overseas? All these questions can be tiring and cause a lot of relocation stress. However, figuring out all these details in advance is necessary. And knowing what the best countries to move to from the USA are is definitely something that can help when deciding to move across the world.
Why Is New Zealand Considered the Best Country for Americans to Move To?
A stable economy, great healthcare, an education system, and enchanting nature are the most common initial reasons for relocating to New Zealand from the US. Another motivation to move to New Zealand is their immigration policy. All expats are welcome and have access to different visa options for a legal stay.
Chances for Finding a Job in New Zealand Are Pretty High!
Since there are 47,000 workers needed in the upcoming year, as the official statistics suggest, finding a job and getting a permanent permit won’t be that difficult! Staying permanently in New Zealand is possible if you work for 24 months or more. Their market is in constant need of all skilled workers in the fields of health and social services, IT sector, construction, science, recreation, hospitality, & tourism, and many more.
Costs of Living Are Quite High, As Is the Quality of Life
To keep up with all the costs, you’ll have to set aside around $900 if living alone, while a family of four on average spends around $3,300 on a monthly basis, as the data from Numbeo shows. After-tax, people can expect an average monthly income of $2,900, so covering all the expenses will be possible.
Still, for all permanent residents, education in state schools is free for children aged from 5 to 19, so you can cross out this cost from the budget. Also, the public health system is accessible for all those with a permanent stay, and it is funded by the government. Treatments for injuries and emergencies are completely free, and a huge emphasis is given to all cardiovascular, diabetes, and mental disorder treatments.
What Are the Most Popular NZ Cities for Expats to Set up Their Home In?
Auckland, Christchurch, and the capital of New Zealand – Wellington are definitely the most common choice of all expats since those are the three biggest cities in the nation. While Auckland is the economic center, where all business is happening, Christchurch is the perfect city if you want to enjoy appealing nature and have your own farm. When it comes to Wellington, this is a major seaport, where all domestic and international shipping is done, and in recent years, tourism, culture, and movie industries have recorded significant growth.
Another important factor to consider is that here you won’t have any problems breaking the language barrier, since the official language is English! So if you’re considering the top places to live abroad with family, then put New Zealand high on your list because the adjustment process will be much easier for children who are native English speakers.
Last but not least, from NZ, you’ll be able to easily travel to other continents, including Australia and Asia, since its location is just perfect for it. So, if you’re a travel chaser, then this destination will definitely be the right choice for you!

Canada Is Rated as One of the Best Countries to Immigrate to From the USA for Americans
Not only is Canada considered one of the friendliest countries in the world, but it is also one of the most common choices of Yankees ready to move abroad. Believe it or not, around 3% of Canada’s new immigrants come from the US. So, if you’ve ever wondered what country has the most American expatriates – Canada takes second place, right after Mexico, and here is why!
Welcoming Society and High Safety Standards Are the Greatest Advantages of Living in Canada
A stable economy, welcoming society (21.5% of the total Canadian population are immigrants), and great prospects for high-paid positions in almost every field classify Canada as one of the best countries to immigrate to from the US.
Canada is also known as one of the safest destinations in the world, while its cities like Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver are listed as the most livable cities in the world according to the Global Liveability Index report year after year.
Moreover, since Canada is pretty close to the US border, keeping in touch with friends and family is another great benefit, which can definitely ease the whole process of adjusting to a new country and the experience of living overseas.
Canada Is One of the Most Immigrant-Friendly Countries in the World, With Broad Job Opportunities and a Number of Suitable Visas
No matter if you’re relocating to another country for love, studies, reuniting with family, or work, in Canada, you can find a suitable legal way to stay. Work and student visas are most frequently-issued since in Canada there is a constant need for a workforce in many industries. For the record, Canada is known as a nation with one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world. Quality high education systems and certain prospects to get a job after getting a college degree is another reason why young people choose relocating overseas and setting up their life abroad.
Healthcare Services and Public Schools Are Free for All Expats
Compared to the US healthcare system, the Canadian one is more advanced. For all residents and non-residents, the Government provides a public healthcare system that covers all urgent treatments in hospitals, physicians, and dentists assistance in hospitals. For all other assistance, expats pay private insurance, which in total makes the whole cost more affordable.
When it comes to the public school system, all students that have residence permits can attend public schools, while those who don’t should pay extra for tuition according to conditions in the specific province. Another important thing to remember is that there are two official languages in Canada – English and French, so if you want to spare your kids the additional stress related to relocation, choose a province where the English language is predominantly spoken.

One of the Best Countries to Move to From the US to Europe is Definitely the United Kingdom
Not only will you be saved from learning a language abroad, but the culture shock will be definitely lower when choosing the UK to live in another country. Also, the United Kingdom will be a perfect base to travel the rest of the sunny European continent, so ensure to use all the benefits this great location provides. And here comes more when explaining why the United Kingdom is one of the top European countries to live in!
The UK Numbers One of the Largest US Expat Communities in Europe
Living in Europe as an American will be much easier if you have a broad expat community to support your adjustment in the city you’re relocating to. For that reason, the United Kingdom is one of the best countries to move to from America since there are around 139,000 US expatriates on the island. The reason why Yankees choose it for their home base is that getting a visa and permanent residence is not that complicated, and neither is finding a fair-paid job. To learn a true story about an American expat in the UK and find out a little more about their experience, take a look at the video below.
Strong Job Market, Available Positions, and Good Working Conditions
When it comes to jobs, everything is quite different in Europe compared to the US. And when getting a job in Europe as an American, you’ll have the same conditions as the UK’s citizens, namely, paid vacation for at a minimum of 28 days.
Since there is no language barrier, and there are many American companies based in the UK that provide plenty of jobs for Americans in Europe, the prospects for finding a high-paid position and acquiring high living standards in some of the top cities to live in Europe is something to expect. Moreover, getting a work visa in Europe will be quite a simple process then.
National Health Services Are Partially Free But Expect to Pay for Education
With a permanent stay, the public health services everyone can use cover some basics, like a consultation with a doctor, treatment in case of emergency, treatment of infectious diseases, and family planning. All other services are charged extra, and you can get them through private medical health insurance.
Both public and private, primary and secondary education are paid in the UK, which is the biggest difference compared to the US system. On a yearly basis, primary schools in the public system cost around $7,000, while the price for secondary schooling is $8,600. Although it’s not free, don’t forget that the UK educational system is recognized and honored all over the world. The potential for higher education is just perfect, allowing your kids to study at the most prestigious universities like Oxford or Cambridge.

Moving Internationally Is Easy With a Reliable Overseas Moving Company
After you decide what the best country to move to from the US is according to your standards, it is the right moment to take some practical steps to fulfill your goal. Even if you’re relocating abroad alone, the whole experience can be a pleasant one if a trustworthy overseas shipping company takes control of your relocation and helps you move efficiently.
Schedule all the international moving services you need, whether it is overseas vehicle shipping or any kind of packing service. Once you choose and contact an overseas shipping company, make sure to schedule a free home estimate and determine the final cost of shipping overseas. So before you start packing to move, create a relocating abroad checklist in advance and book all the services and dates on time to expedite your move and have a stress-free relocation experience!